[hal-04862809] Drainage of acid-rennet gels: Rheological and microstructural study of milk heat treatment and milk proteins/whey protein aggregates ratio effects
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marie-Hélène Famelart) 03 Jan 2025
[hal-04863490] Viscoelastic and flow behaviour of β-lactoglobulin/lactoferrin coacervates: Influence of temperature and ionic strength
Heteroprotein complex coacervation has potential for a wide range of applications. However, the sensitivity of coacervates to slight changes in physico-chemical conditions may constitute a technological barrier for their development and deserves to be better understood. In this study, the rheological properties of β-lactoglobulin/lactoferrin (βLG/LF) heteroprotein complex coacervates were investigated with respect to narrow changes of temperature (5–40 °C) and ionic strength (0 to 10 mM added NaCl). The apparent viscosity of βLG/LF coacervates prepared at 20 °C showed a high sensitivity to temperature, decreasing progressively at elevated temperatures. Frequency sweep experiments demonstrated that coacervates behave as a viscoelastic liquid throughout the investigated frequency range at T > 10°C. Time-temperature superposition principle revealed that the interaction involved in the coacervation process were temperature-independent. The calculated activation energy was approximately 85 kJ/mol. The addition of NaCl (up to 10mM) prior to coacervation, resulted in an increase of the viscosity but did not show a clear trend in the evolution of viscoelastic moduli. These new insights allow a better understanding of the interactions involved in concentrated protein coacervates enabling better control over their potential uses.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Rima Hachfi Soussi) 03 Jan 2025
[hal-04887772] Végétaliser notre alimentation : des légumineuses dans le yaourt
Comment diminuer l’apport de produits d’origine animale sans trop changer les habitudes alimentaires des consommateurs ? De nouvelles recherches visent à développer des yaourts en mélangeant du lait de vache et de la farine de lupin.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Valérie Gagnaire) 15 Jan 2025
[hal-04830514] Strong electrostatic attraction drives milk heteroprotein complex coacervation
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Isabel Vinterbladh) 11 Dec 2024
[hal-04683653] Peptidomic profile of human milk as influenced by fortification with different protein sources: An in vitro dynamic digestion simulation
Fortification of human milk (HM) is often necessary to meet the nutritional requirements of preterm infants. The present experiment aimed to establish whether the supplementation of HM with either an experimental donkey milk-derived fortifier containing whole donkey milk proteins, or with a commercial bovine milk-derived fortifier containing hydrolyzed bovine whey proteins, affects peptide release differently during digestion. The experiment was conducted using an in vitro dynamic system designed to simulate the preterm infant's digestion followed by digesta analysis by means of LC-MS-MS. The different fortifiers did not appear to influence the cumulative intensity of HM peptides. Fortification had a differential impact on the release of either donkey or bovine bioactive peptides. Donkey milk peptides showed antioxidant/ACE inhibitory activities, while bovine peptides showed opioid, dipeptil-and propyl endo-peptidase inhibitory and antimicrobial activity. A slight delay in peptide release from human lactoferrin and α-lactalbumin was observed when HM was supplemented with donkey milkderived fortifier.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marzia Giribaldi) 02 Sep 2024
[hal-04891543] The protein ingredient quality of infant formula influences colonic physiology and microbiota and the serum metabolomic profile in neonatal mini-piglets
Despite the WHO recommendations in favor of breastfeeding, most infants receive infant formulas (IFs), which are complex matrices involving numerous ingredients and processing steps. Our aim was to understand the impact of the quality of the protein ingredient in IFs on gut microbiota and physiology, blood metabolites and brain gene expression. Three IFs were produced using whey proteins (WPs) from cheese whey (IF-A) or ideal whey (IFs-C and -D) and caseins, either in a micellar form (IFs-A and -C) or partly in a non-micellar form (IF-D). Twenty-four Yucatan minipiglets received one of the IFs from 2- to 21-days of age. The piglets were then euthanized 84 min postprandially. Blood, ileal and colonic digesta and tissues, the liver and the hypothalamus were sampled. Gut microbiota composition and activity, the expression of intestinal and brain genes involved in barrier, immune, endocrine, nutrient carrier and neuronal functions and serum metabolite levels were determined. Intestinal paracellular permeability was assessed with an ex vivo Ussing chamber. The data were analyzed using multifactorial and univariate analyses. The colon was the main site to be physiologically affected by the quality of the dairy protein ingredients used in IFs. Colonic paracellular permeability was significantly higher in IF-D-fed piglets than in those receiving IFs-A and -C, in line with the expression of genes encoding tight junction proteins (OCLN, CLDN3 and CLDN4). IF-D up-regulated the colonic expression of genes involved in the immune function (SOCS3, PIGR and TNFα) when compared to IF-A. Although intestinal α- and β-diversities did not significantly differ among IFs, some specific differences were observed, such as the abundances of Campylobacterota phylum and Bacteroides genera and fecal butyrate production, which were increased with IFs-C and -D versus IF-A. The kynurenine pathway was favored in piglets fed IF-D compared to IF-A, based on colonic gene expression and serum metabolites. In addition, levels of some serum metabolites, particularly putrescine, spermidine and spermine, were higher in piglets fed IF-D than IFs-A and -C. Overall, IF-D, which combined ideal WPs and some non-micellar caseins, appeared to differ most from IF-A in terms of its physiological consequences, suggesting that both WP and casein ingredient quality may mediate the physiological properties of IFs, probably through changes to the colonic microbiota composition and activity.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Lucile Chauvet) 16 Jan 2025
[hal-04862413] Antibacterial effect of free, nanoemulsified and protein-complexed carvacrol
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Ralph Nehme) 03 Jan 2025
[hal-04777468] Qualité protéique et nature des peptides libérés lors de la digestion in vitro de pâtes alimentaires sans gluten issues de cultures résilientes aux aléas climatiques
Introduction et but de l’étude L’optimisation nutritionnelle de produits de grande consommation, tels que les pâtes, avec des ingrédients issus de cultures résilientes aux aléas climatiques, répond aux enjeux environmentaux et de lutte contre la malnutrition. Nos précédents travaux ont abouti à la sélection de quatre formules de pâtes sans- gluten à base de niébé additionné de teff et/ou de feuilles d’amarante, cultures adaptées aux changement climatiques (Pinel et al., 2024). Ces pâtes ont été formulées par programmation linéaire pour répondre aux besoins nutritionnels des adultes en protéines, fibres, fer, zinc, vitamine B9 et bêta-carotène. L’étude présentée ici vise à évaluer la qualité protéique in vitro de ces quatre pâtes à base de niébé grâce à l’utilisation de deux méthodes internationales distinctes. L’impact de l’absence de gluten ainsi que de la teneur élevée en fibres (16-24 %) dans ces pâtes sur leur structure et la digestibilité de leurs protéines sera étudié. De plus, le peptidome obtenu après digestion gastro-intestinale in vitro de ces pâtes sera analysé, en y incluant une étude in silico de leur allergénicité potentielle. Matériel et méthodes La digestion gastro-intestinale in vitro des quatre pâtes à base de niébé ainsi que de trois pâtes témoins développées à partir de semoule de blé dur avec une teneur croissante en fibres (4,5-19 %) a été réalisée selon deux protocoles : le protocole standardisé COST Infogest (Minekus et al., 2014) et celui du kit enzymatique Megazyme® (K-PDCAAS, Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score). Les hydrolysats des deux protocoles ont été récupérés en fin de phase intestinale afin d’évaluer la qualité protéique de chacune des pâtes par le calcul du PDCAAS. Sur les digestats issus du protocole Infogest une approche cinétique de l’hydrolyse in vitro des protéines en phase orale, gastrique et intestinale, a été réalisée, ainsi qu'une étude du peptidome libéré après digestion gastro-intestinale par spectrométrie de masse. Les peptides libérés ont été comparés aux épitopes allergènes connus de légumineuses afin d’évaluer la potentielle allergénicité des pâtes au niébé. Une analyse de la structure multi-échelle des pâtes allant du niveau microscopique, au niveau supramoléculaire a été réalisée en parallèle. Résultats et analyses statistiques Les pâtes au niébé ont une structure moins homogène que celle des pâtes au blé traditionnelles en lien notamment à leur teneur élevée en fibres, et possèdent moins de protéines liées par ponts disulfures. Concernant la digestibilité des protéines selon le protocole Infogest, aucune différence significative n’a été observée entre les pâtes à base de niébé et les pâtes au blé traditionnelles en fin de phase intestinale malgré une teneur en facteurs antinutritionnels plus élevée dans les pâtes au niébé. Le PDCAAS de ces dernières était deux fois plus élevé, indépendamment du protocole de digestion utilisé. L’étude peptidomique a révélé que les peptides libérés à la fin de la digestion gastro-intestinale des pâtes au niébé avaient une taille similaire aux pâtes au blé (environ 1150 kDa). De plus, ces peptides provenaient majoritairement des protéines de niébé telles que les vicilines (45%) et légumines (16%) et possédaient des épitopes similaires à ceux d’allergènes reconnus dans d’autres légumineuses. Conclusion La formulation de pâtes à partir de farine de niébé, avec ou sans teff et/ou de feuilles d’amarante, entraine des changements d'origine des protéines majoritaires, de teneur en fibres et facteurs antinutritionnels, et s’accompagne par des changements de structure de la pâte. Cependant, la digestibilité in vitro des protéines des pâtes au niébé n’est pas significativement différente de celles des pâtes au blé dur traditionnelles. Le meilleur équilibre en acides aminés essentiels des pâtes au niébé leur confère une qualité protéique supérieure, les rendant particulièrement intéressantes d’un point de vue nutritionnel. Toutefois, une attention particulière doit être portée à l’allergénicité potentielle de ces nouvelles pâtes.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Pauline Pinel) 12 Nov 2024
[hal-04885180] Composante microbienne des préparations pour nourrissons : comment mimer le microbiote du lait maternel ?
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (S Even) 14 Jan 2025
[hal-04834091] Intégration de corps lipidiques d'origine animale et végétale dans des préparations de suite : impact sur la structure des lipides et leur digestibilité in vitro
Malgré les recommandations de l'OMS pour un allaitement exclusif puis partiel à partir 6 mois, moins de 20% des enfants sont encore allaités en France à cet âge. Les préparations de suite (PDS), élaborées pour répondre spécifiquement aux besoins nutritionnels du deuxième âge, sont largement employées entant que substitut au lait maternel. La fraction lipidique des PDS est généralement basée sur un mélange d’huiles végétales raffinées issues de procédés d’extraction utilisant des solvants organiques dont l’impact environnemental est non négligeable. Ces procédés, en plus des opérations unitaires nécessaire à la fabrication des PDS, impact l’organisation des lipides dans la matrice. Ces modifications structurelles ont une incidence sur les cinétiques de digestion et la bioaccessibilité des nutriments. Dans ce contexte, l'utilisation de corps lipidiques (CL) tels que les oléosomes issus de graines oléo-protéagineuses, suscite un intérêt croissant pour leurs propriétés nutritionnelles. L’objectif de cette étude est d’introduire des CL dans des PDS et d’évaluer leur digestibilité par un modèle de digestion in vitro dynamique. Des PDS ont été formulées en intégrant différentes sources de matières grasses : HV à base d'huiles végétales, HV/aCL à base d'huiles végétales et de CL d’origine animale, et vCL/aCL à base d’une combinaison de CL d’origine végétale et animale. Les PDS ont été produites selon différentes opérations unitaires : homogénéisation (HHP, 2 passages à 140/40 bars) du mélange concentré à 40% d’extrait sec ; un traitement thermique (TTh) de 3 minutes à 80°C et un séchage par atomisation à 180/80°C (échelle pilote). L’étude de la digestibilité des PDS réhydratées à 13% a été effectué avec un digesteur in vitro dynamique (DIDGI®, INRAE), intégrant deux phases : l’une simulant la digestion gastrique et la seconde la digestion intestinale. Les paramètres du modèle (quantités d’enzymes, flux de sécrétions, cinétiques de descente en pH et de vitesse de vidange) ont été fixé afin de mimer les conditions physiologiques d’un enfant de 6 mois. Malgré l’utilisation de différentes sources de matière grasses, l’ensemble des PDS avait une teneur en lipide normalisée de 26 g/100g de poudre en base sèche dont 34% d’acides gras saturés, 44% d’acides gras monoinsaturés et 22% d’acides gras polyinsaturés. Les PDS étaient enrichis en acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA), un élément clé pour le développement notamment cérébral de l’enfant, représentant ainsi en moyenne 0,7 % des acides gras totaux. Les PDS avaient, en revanche, des profils en acides gras différents avec par exemple la présence d’acides gras saturés à chaines courtes (C < 10) dans HV/aCL et vCL/aCL due à l’ajout de CL d’origine bovine (crème laitière) et dont HV était dépourvu. Le ratio oméga 6/oméga 3 était équivalent dans l’ensemble des PDS et était de 7 respectant ainsi les recommandations lors de la période de l’enfance. La teneur en protéines était en moyenne de 10,4 g/100g de poudre en base sèche. Le taux de dénaturation des protéines était similaire dans l’ensemble des PDS et atteignait un maximum de 30 %, principalement due au TTh. La distribution de la taille des grains dans les poudres de PDS était monomodale, centrée sur 20 µm en mode. Après réhydratation, la distribution de la taille de gouttelettes était similaire à celle avant séchage avec une agrégation marquée pour HV et vCL/aCL. Le diamètre moyen des gouttelettes (pondéré par la surface – D[3,2]), était de 0,5 µm et le span de 2,2 dans le SDS. La digestibilité des PDS réhydratées a été évaluée notamment par le suivi de la lipolyse en cinétique au cours de la digestion, avec une attention particulière pour la bioaccessibilité en DHA. Cette étude a permis la conception de PDS innovantes intégrants une combinaison de CL issus de procédés d’extraction plus durables que les procédés conventionnels. Cependant l’ajout d’oléosomes dans les PDS implique l’introduction d’oléosine, protéine présente au niveau de la monocouche phopholipidique, connue pour son caractère allergène. Une étude plus approfondie de cet aspect serait donc nécessaire.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Mathilde Cancalon) 12 Dec 2024
[hal-04820215] Améliorer conjointement la santé et le bien-être des animaux dans la transition des systèmes d’élevage vers la durabilité
Cet article présente les travaux et les recherches à conduire pour placer la santé et le bien-être au cœur de la transition agroécologique des systèmes d’élevage. Il souligne la nécessité de considérer la santé dans une perspective plus large qu’aujourd’hui et la question des expériences émotionnelles positives en matière de bien-être. Les interactions positives entre santé et bien-être mais aussi les tensions possibles entre ces deux dimensions sont discutées. L'amélioration conjointe de la santé et du bien-être des animaux pose des questions à différentes échelles. Au niveau de l'animal, sont à explorer les compromis entre les fonctions physiologiques de production, de reproduction et d'immunité, le rôle du microbiote ainsi que les mécanismes psycho-neuro-endocriniens qui relient l'état mental et la santé. Au niveau de l'exploitation, il conviendrait de considérer l’expertise des éleveurs et d’évaluer l’effet des changements de pratiques sur leur bien-être au travail. Au niveau de la filière de production comme du territoire, les stratégies pour améliorer la santé et le bien-être des animaux tout en préservant la viabilité économique sont à étudier, comme la possibilité d’étiquetage et de labellisation des produits, le consentement à payer des consommateurs, les conséquences de l'hétérogénéité phénotypique des animaux pour la transformation des produits et la répartition spatiale des exploitations. Au niveau des citoyens, un défi consiste à mieux relier leurs préoccupations en matière de bien-être des animaux et de santé. Ces nombreuses questions plaident en faveur d'une approche interdisciplinaire et transdisciplinaire sur de nombreux sujets, associant l’ensemble des acteurs, y compris les décideurs publics, dans une démarche de recherche participative.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Christian Ducrot) 05 Dec 2024
[hal-04705714] Life cycle assessment based optimization of scenarios of reusable glass bottles using context-specific key parameters
Reusable glass bottles are experiencing a resurgence, driven notably by societal concerns and regulations. While single-use glass bottles generally have higher environmental footprint compared to plastic bottles, reusable systems could reduce both impacts related to single-use (e.g., climate change, energy consumption) and plastics (e.g., microplastic pollution). The environmental benefits of reusable bottles can vary across systems and this can be overlooked by stakeholders who rely on generic results for communication and a limited number of parameters to design their systems. This study addresses this gap by developing a systematic analysis of the variability of life cycle assessment results, within the specific case study of a new beverage. As a result, a list of key parameters to consider for the specific case study is set, enabling to propose targeted mitigation strategies. The commonly used generic key parameters are complemented with context-specific key parameters, empowering stakeholders to develop efficient systems and communicate their environmental performance accurately. Different configurations are likely to be influenced by other key parameters, and require specific mitigation strategies. In this perspective, stakeholders need assistance in: (1) designing context-specific strategies, and (2) translatingcomplex and plurallife cycle assessment results into actionable decisions.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Samuel Le Féon) 23 Sep 2024
[hal-04811108] Propionibacterium freudenreichii Prevents Food Allergy in Mice via the Surface Layer Protein SlpB
The prevalence of food allergies has increased in recent decades in industrialized developed countries. Defects are influenced by environmental factors in early life, including early colonizers of the human gut microbiota. Therapeutic solutions are limited, and the lack of efficient treatments has led to the search for new treatments, including biotherapies. Promising results from this search suggest that immunomodulatory probiotic bacteria, in particular, may yield new biotherapeutic or preventive strategies to address the increasing burden of food allergies. In this context, we investigated the potential impact of Propionibacterium freudenreichii CIRM-BIA129, a recognized immunomodulatory probiotic bacterium, on food allergy development in a murine model. Preventive effects of this probiotic were evaluated in the context of an induced wheat gliadin allergy. Following sensitization using gliadins, clinical and immunological parameters were monitored following an oral challenge with wheat gliadin. When consumed orally, P. freudenreichii CIRM-BIA129 prevented induced wheat gliadin allergy. Probiotic administration favored the differentiation of Treg cells at the expense of Th2 cells in mice. Notably, P. freudenreichii CIRM-BIA129 ΔslpB, which contains a mutation in the slpB gene encoding a key surface protein involved in adhesion and immunomodulation, failed to induce the same phenotype. Accordingly, the wild-type probiotic stimulated IL-10 production by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, while the mutant did not. Altogether, these results indicate that the P. freudenreichii CIRM-BIA129 strain can mitigate the food allergic response through its immunomodulatory effects mediated by the surface layer protein SlpB. This finding provides new perspectives for biotherapies aimed at managing the increased prevalence of food allergy.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Barbara Misme-Aucouturier) 02 Dec 2024
[hal-04804742] Food or probiotic for IBD? Both!
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Gwénaël Jan) 26 Nov 2024
[hal-04808984] User-friendly tool based on simplified parametrized Life Cycle Assessment models to optimize returnable packaging
Aim: reduce the complexity of LCA for better decision-making Returnable bottles are a promising strategy to reduce the environmental impacts of food packaging. However, the complexity of life cycle assessment (LCA), often leads companies to rely on generic results, or a limited set of parameters for decision-making. This can hinder the environmental optimization of systems that can vary dependently from the context. Method: simplified parametrized LCA models We developed a user-friendly tool for small and mid-sized stakeholders to include LCA when developing specific distribution strategies, combining the results' simplicity of use and scientific accuracy. It is based on simplified parametrized LCA models, consisting of simplifying the impact equations by (1) identifying the key input parameters, applying Sobol’s method on Global Sensitivity Analysis, and (2) setting the non-key parameters. To ensure broad applicability, a typology of configurations for returnable bottle strategies was designed. Recognizing the decision-making challenges faced by stakeholders, we also worked on the usability of the results presented in the tool to be used for decisions. Results: good balance between simplicity and robustness The simplified models developed demonstrate an excellent ability to balance simplicity with robustness. For instance, simplified models tested by stakeholders during FAIRCHAIN project (https://www.fairchain-h2020.eu/) reduce the required input data from 46 to 13, while explaining 90% of the total variability of the results for all environmental impacts. In addition, the tool quantifies the impacts of setting uncertain input parameters on the final results (e.g., in the case, it is difficult to collect). We experimented with the search for trade-offs with project partners. Various simplified models were generated and we provided scripts and protocols for users to generate more. Conclusion In environmental assessment, a key challenge lies in finding the right balance between users’ requirements for simplicity (“we need it to be simple”) and scientific rigor (“we want it to be robust”). Our proposed solution for developing returnable bottle strategies addresses this challenge: a user-friendly tool built upon robust statistical simplification methods. The tool was co-developed and tested with future users, incorporating practical constraints and ideas for future improvements to envision a widespread adoption beyond the project.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Samuel Le Féon) 02 Dec 2024
[hal-04808876] The FAIRCHAIN Project
This session will give an overview of the FAIRCHAIN project. It will define the Intermediate Food Value Chain (IFVC) concept. It will present the innovations, chosen for their contribution to establish IFVCs or to reduce a given challenge in IFVC. And it will explain the approach chosen to ensure the successful implementation of the innovations in real conditions. This session will briefly present the main outputs and main impacts of the project.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Geneviève Gésan-Guiziou) 28 Nov 2024
[hal-04808886] Case Study in France (CS-Fra) : Production and distribution of innovative dairy drinks based on co-products of the cheese manufacture
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Geneviève Gésan-Guiziou) 28 Nov 2024
[hal-04803279] Nutritional quality of proteins from two beef co-products as determined in the growing pig
The increasing demand for food and especially proteins leads to the search for alternative protein sources. Meat co-products, which are available but little used in human food, provide a potential solution to this challenge. The present study aimed to evaluate the nutritional quality of two beef protein ingredients (greasy greaves recovered proteins (GGRP) and water recovered proteins (WRP)), both co-products of the fat rendering process. Their true ileal digestibility (TID), digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) and kinetics of plasma amino acids (AA) were measured in ten growing pigs, each fed the two co-products and a protein-free diet. Titanium dioxide was used as an indigestible marker. Digesta samples were collected for 9 h after meal ingestion, and blood samples were collected at ten time points during the same period. Total nitrogen (N) and AA contents were determined. Data were statistically analysed using linear mixed models. The TID of total N was not different between WRP and GGRP (81-84 %, P &gt; 0•05). The first-limiting AA was Trp for both ingredients, with a DIAAS much higher for GGRP than for WRP (74 and 10 % for adults, respectively; P &lt; 0•001). Postprandial plasma AA concentration peaked earlier for WRP (3 h) than for GGRP (5 h). Plasma concentrations of total and essential AA were higher (P &lt; 0•001) with GGRP diet than WRP diet. Overall, GGRP has a nutritional quality suitable to meet the needs of adults for AA, while WRP needs to be supplemented with other protein sources to fulfil the dietary requirements.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Rozenn Le Foll) 25 Nov 2024
[hal-04683381] Dynamic in vitro gastric digestion of skimmed milk using the NERDT, an advanced human biomimetic digestion system
The main objective of this study was to assess the ability of the NEar Real Digestive Tract (NERDT), a computercontrolled biomimetic in vitro digestion system that considers the biomechanics of the stomach, to reproduce physiologically relevant features of skimmed milk gastric digestion. A second objective was to evaluate the influence of pepsin on the gastric coagulation and emptying of milk proteins from experiments performed with and without pepsin. A mass balance model over the stomach, assuming a perfectly stirred reactor behaviour, has been developed. The results show that the NERDT can adequately reproduce the targeted kinetics of gastric acidification and emptying, with a sieving effect that naturally leads to a delayed emptying of caseins. Milk coagulated earlier and more chyme was emptied towards the end of the experiments in the presence of pepsin than without, hence illustrating the key influence of pepsin on the gastric coagulation of caseins and subsequent hydrolysis and emptying of dairy particles. Overall, this study shows that the NERDT can be adequately controlled to achieve desired gastric digestion conditions, and appears to be a very useful tool to further improve the knowledge of the gastric digestion behaviour of complex foods such as milk.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jiajun Feng) 02 Sep 2024
[hal-04768215] Valoriser les coproduits du lait à l'échelle régionale: deux projets pour des solutions durables
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Christophe Meneust) 20 Dec 2024
[hal-04764494] Effect of using germinated and fermented lupin and oats as a dietary protein source on laying hen performance and egg quality
Soybean meal is the dominant protein source for poultry nutrition. However, soybean is not widely grown in Europe, necessitating importation from other countries. To reduce dependency on imported soybean meal, an alternative feed material is needed. Fermentation and/or germination of grains are known to increase the value of the protein content of a diet. This study aimed to determine if they could substitute partly soybean meal in a diet. Germinated or fermented or germinated and fermented grains of lupin and oats were used in laying hen's diet (a mix of 6.50% lupin and 3.50% oat grains). Oats were dehulled or not dehulled. The hens' weight loss and the downgraded eggs rate were the lowest when using fermented grains. All trial diets reduced the egg cholesterol content. Dehulling had only a slight effect on performance. Diets containing germinated grains led to a decrease in laying performance and an increase in body weight loss. Diets containing fermented grains gave the best results in terms of quantity of amino acids, hen weight maintenance, laying performance, and egg quality. In conclusion, fermented lupin and oats can be used in laying hen diets to partly substitute sources of protein such as soya, but germinated grains cannot.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Koffigan Kponouglo) 04 Nov 2024
[hal-04707706] Interactive approach between the market consumers and development for developing an innovative fermented whey based drink
As part of the FAIRCHAIN European project, an innovative fermented whey-based drink has been developed to increase the value of cheese’s co-product and limit wastage. While the success of a food innovation is conditioned by consumer desirability and technical feasibility, developing an innovative product remains a challenge, as little is known on how to design it to fit with consumer’s acceptance. For that purpose, we used an interactive approach between market, consumers, Research and Development from the early stage of the project.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Virginie Herbreteau) 24 Sep 2024
[hal-04740911] Dimensionnement et optimisation du fonctionnement d'un système de filtration-fractionnement multi-étagé continu : exemple de la microfiltration de lait
Introduction. La filtration membranaire est largement utilisée pour la séparation et concentration des solutés et/ou des colloïdes. Par exemple, la microfiltration tangentielle, MF du lait écrémé est appliquée pour la séparation de protéines sériques PS (macromolécules, qui peuvent traverser la membrane et passer dans le perméat) des micelles de caséine MC (nanoparticules, qui sont retenues par la membrane et s’accumulent dans le rétentat) et la concentration des micelles de caséine dans le rétentat. La transmission des solutés TR (e.g., la transmission de PS, TRPS) et le flux de la perméation (Jp) sont deux paramètres majeurs qui définissent l’efficacité de la séparation-concentration membranaire. Pour un module de filtration donné, TR et Jp dépendent des paramètres opératoires de la filtration (notamment, la pression transmembranaire PTM, et la vitesse de recirculation du rétentat v) et de la composition du rétentat (qui est classiquement prise en compte via la valeur du facteur de réduction volumique du rétentat, FRV). La MF est normalement réalisée en continu dans un système multi-étagé où chaque étage i est composé de plusieurs modules de filtration, qui fonctionnent à FRVi constant. Le rétentat issu de l’étage i – 1 alimente l’étage i de sorte que FRV1 &lt; FRV2 &lt; … &lt; FRVi–1 &lt; FRVi &lt; … &lt; FRVN (avec N, le nombre total d’étages). Les valeurs de N et de FRVN sont classiquement imposées par les coûts d’investissement et de fonctionnement (plus N est grand, plus le nombre de pompes, de capteurs … est élevé) et le cahier de charges du procédé de concentration-séparation (FRVN doit correspondre au taux de concentration des molécules/particules cibles souhaité dans le produit issu du système MF). Le débit volumique du rétentat issu de chaque étage est défini par le débit volumique d’alimentation de cet étage ainsi que par ni·S·Jpi, le débit volumique de perméat produit (où ni est le nombre de modules de l’étage i, S est la surface membranaire d’un module, et Jpi le flux de perméation de l’étage i, qui dépend de la composition du rétentat i, notamment de FRVi, PTMi, et vi). Pour concevoir un système de filtration continue multi-étagé, il est nécessaire (1) de minimiser la surface membranaire (nombre de modules de filtration) nécessaire pour assurer le fonctionnement continu du système, et (2) de maximiser la séparation (i.e. le taux de récupération des PS et la séparation des PS et des MC dans le cas de la MF de lait) en définissant la meilleure combinaison des FRVi (i = 1…N) et de paramètres opératoires (PTMi et vi) pour chaque étape. Cette conception doit également intégrer les coûts d’investissement et de fonctionnement qui seront minimisés. L’approche de Jeantet et al. (2011), qui repose sur des bilans matières (global et sur chaque étage), peut être utilisée pour définir la surface membranaire à mettre en œuvre sur chaque étage pour des FRVi données, ainsi que pour calculer la meilleure combinaison des FRVi, qui correspond à la surface membranaire minimale du système (Objectif 1). Cette approche nécessite la connaissance de la relation Jpi vs. FRVi, qui peut être obtenue expérimentalement (classiquement, dans un système qui fonctionne en mode batch pour raison de simplicité). Cependant, cette approche ne prend pas en compte les relations complexes entre l’efficacité de la séparation et les paramètres opératoires (Objectif 2). Objectifs. Ce travail porte sur le développement d’une méthode générale de conception et de dimensionnement de systèmes multi-étagés continus qui prend en compte simultanément les objectifs de minimisation de surface (Objectif 1) et d’efficacité de séparation (Objectif 2). Basée sur des approches de bilan matière (théorique), cette méthode vise l’identification des paramètres clés du dimensionnement (en plus de la surface membranaire et de FRV de chaque étage) et propose le design d’une étude multiparamétrique pour obtenir les résultats expérimentaux (comme les valeurs de Jp et TR en fonction de la composition du rétentat, PTM, et v) en mode batch. La démarche est illustrée par le dimensionnement d’un système de microfiltration multi-étagé pour séparer-concentrer les protéines du lait. Résultats et conclusions. La méthode développée a démontré qu’un compromis doit être trouvé entre la minimisation de la surface membranaire de modules et l’augmentation du taux de la séparation de solutés dans le perméat. Il a été mis en évidence que dans un cas général, les essais réalisés dans un système qui fonctionne en mode batch sans modification du produit à filtrer ne permettent pas d’obtenir des rétentats de composition similaire à la composition de rétentats obtenus en mode continu dans un système multi-étagé, ce que remet en question l’applicabilité des dépendances Jp vs. FRV et TR vs. FRV obtenus en mode batch pour le dimensionnement de systèmes multi-étagés. Par conséquent, le changement du ratio entre le composé retenu et le soluté transmissible dans les essais réalisés en mode batch est nécessaire pour obtenir les résultats pertinents pour un tel dimensionnement. Les essais de MF de lait ont été réalisés à l’échelle pilote (mode batch, système UTP, membrane céramique, taille de pores 0.1 μm) dans une gamme des paramètres opératoires compatibles à celle utilisée industriellement pour la concentration-séparation de protéines laitières : PTM = 0.4 – 1.0 (bar), v = 6.0 – 7.0 (m·s–1), et FRV = 1.0 – 3.5. Le rôle de la durée de la filtration sur Jp et TRPS a été également étudié (t = 30 min – 4 h). Il a été démontré que la TRPS dépendait de la concentration en PS dans le rétentat ainsi que de la durée de la filtration à FRV donné, mais que cette dépendance avait une faible influence sur le dimensionnement de la microfiltration du lait écrémé et pouvait être négligée dans le cas de la MF du lait (FRVN = 3.5, t = 8 h).
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Geneviève Gésan-Guiziou) 17 Oct 2024
[hal-04746234] Estimation des coefficients de transfert de solutés en osmose inverse : vers un dimensionnement des procédés multi-étagés pour le recyclage d’effluents dans les agro-indutries
Introduction. Dans un contexte de tension croissante sur la ressource en eau en France, les Industries Agro-Alimentaires (IAA) cherchent de plus en plus à minimiser leurs consommations d’eau potable. Le recyclage de leurs effluents après un traitement adapté représente une solution prometteuse. Les procédés membranaires sont reconnus comme flexibles et performants dans ce contexte (Warsinger et al., 2018 ; Garnier et al., 2023) et l’Osmose Inverse (OI) en particulier permet d’obtenir une eau de qualité potentiellement suffisante pour être recyclée en tant qu’eau de procédé au contact des aliments. Cette perspective est d’autant plus réaliste que la réglementation sur la Réutilisation des Eaux Usées Traitées (REUT) et des Eaux Non Conventionnelles (ENC) évolue actuellement vers un assouplissement (Décret n° 2024-33 du 24 janvier 2024). Cependant l’OI, bien que performante, est consommatrice d’énergie et demande d’importantes surfaces membranaires. Il a par ailleurs été montré que certaines molécules, non ionisées et de masse molaire inférieure à 120 g/mol, n’étaient pas complètement retenues (Fargues et al., 2013). Des travaux menés dans le cadre du projet MINIMEAU financé par l’ANR (https://minimeau.fr/) ont permis de valider un modèle de Solubilisation-Diffusion (SD) avec prise en compte du phénomène de Polarisation de Concentration (PC) dans la couche limite côté rétentat, pour représenter le transfert à travers la membrane de plusieurs solutés contenus dans des effluents de conserverie de légumes. Par des tests à l’échelle pilote, la perméabilité d’une membrane à certains solutés a pu être estimée, ainsi que leur coefficient de transfert dans la couche limite (Garnier et al., 2022). Ces données sont précieuses pour prévoir les performances de rétention en OI lors d’un changement d’échelle. Elles nécessitent néanmoins d’être complétées pour tenir compte des effets de concentration côté rétentat à l’échelle industrielle, ainsi que de l’hydrodynamique qui joue sur le phénomène de PC, donc sur les performances de rétention des solutés. Objectifs. Cette étude s’insère dans le projet DIMEMPRO (financé par le Carnot Qualiment®) qui se propose de revisiter les règles de dimensionnement des procédés membranaires à l’échelle industrielle, en considérant des architectures complexes pour lesquelles, en osmose inverse, la production du perméat est distribuée sur différents étages en cascades. Il ambitionne de considérer non seulement les performances de traitement souhaitées, mais aussi les aspects économiques et environnementaux. Dans l’objectif du développement d’un outil de dimensionnement multi-critères, l’implémentation d’une base de données des phénomènes de transfert en OI de « polluants » présents dans les effluents des IAA est indispensable. On vise ici leur détermination pour des conditions variées de niveaux de concentration et d’hydrodynamique dans les modules membranaires, par une étude multiparamétrique à l’échelle pilote associée à une modélisation inverse. Matériels et méthodes. Une campagne d’essais de traitement par OI a été menée sur pilote équipé d’une membrane ESPA4-LD (Hydranautics, Nitto Group Co) en fonctionnement batch (Facteur de Réduction Volumique, FRV = 1). Le cas étudié est celui du traitement d’un effluent de rinçage après pelage de carottes, obtenu auprès d’une usine française de conserverie de légumes. Un prétraitement par tamisage, suivi d’une ultrafiltration (UF) sur une membrane minérale KERASEP BW 15kDa permet d’obtenir un effluent de qualité suffisante pour l’étape d’OI. Pour étudier l’influence de l’hydrodynamique dans le module membranaire, des essais ont été menés à des débits de 250 L/h à 1300 L/h côté rétentat. Pour chacun, une pression transmembranaire (PTM) de 2 à 12 bar a été appliquée, les débits de rétentat et de perméat mesurés, de même que leurs teneurs en DCO, sucres et acides organiques. L’influence du facteur de concentration sur le flux et la concentration du perméat a été étudiée sur pilote via l’augmentation du FRV de 1 à 8 (= par recyclage du rétentat uniquement). Pour chaque niveau de concentration, le rôle de l’hydrodynamique a été exploré. Résultats et conclusions. La rétention de la DCO de cet effluent est comprise entre 95 et 98 % en fonction des conditions hydrodynamiques et de pression, quand les sucres sont retenus à plus de 99,8%. Certains acides organiques comme l’acide acétique sont mal retenus. En tenant compte des solutés quantifiés dans la DCO totale, une catégorie de molécules non encore identifiées a été définie, dont la contribution notée DCOdiff (pour DCO différentielle) est d’environ 40% de la DCO totale de l’effluent prétraité. Sa rétention par OI (entre 89% et 96%) est plus faible que celle de la DCO et des sucres, et est plus sensible aux variations de PTM et de débit.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Claire Fargues) 21 Oct 2024
[hal-04746654] Complex B vitamin enrichment from milk to dairy products
Dairy products are considered good suppliers of B vitamins (B2, B5, B12) due to the concentrations found in these foods and to feeding habits (Vissers et al., 2011). The ration fed to dairy cows would influence the B vitamin content of milk (Graulet and Girard, 2017) but the consequences on dairy products content remain unexplored. Aim was to explore if variations in raw milk B vitamin concentrations could impact B vitamin concentrations in the corresponding dairy products. At the end of May, 20 cows were divided in 2 groups receiving a diet based either on pasture or corn silage for 4 months. Raw tank milks were collected 3 times for production of raw milk cheeses or yogurts, during the last week of the period. B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6) were analysed by UPLC-MS after deproteinization (Laverroux et al., 2021) and B9 and B12 by chimoluminescence using the ChLia folates-B12 kit. Concentrations were related to dry matter to evaluate transfer from milk to cheese and yogurt. Vitamin B2 was the highest in raw milk of grazing cows (2.91 vs 2.60 mg/L, p&lt;0.05). At the opposite, vitamin B5 concentration was the highest when cows were fed corn silage (3.16 vs 3.08 mg/L, p&lt;0.05). Related to dry matter, strong decreases in B1 (-86%), B2 (-63%), B5 (-88%), B6-pyridoxal (-90%), folates (-78%), vitamin B12 (-50%) and increases in B6-pyridoxamin (+60%) concentrations were observed between milk and cheese curd. Decreases were probably resulting of draining. Folates (+73%), B6-pyridoxamine (+40%), and B1 (+13%) concentrations increased in yogurt while B5 (-28%), B6-pyridoxal (-36%), and vitamin B12 (-86%) decreased and B2 remained unchanged. These changes probably resulted from milk heating during the process and synthesis by ferments. Due to technological processes, huge losses of B vitamins were observed in raw milk cheeses but they were more moderate in yogurts. For this reason, raw milk B vitamin enrichment through cow diet did not led to subsequent dairy products enrichment with theses compounds.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Benoit Graulet) 21 Oct 2024
[hal-04861313] The effect of intestinal digestion on gastric-digested saliva proteins-polyphenol complexes
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Müzeyyen Berkel Kasikci) 02 Jan 2025
[hal-04774064] Macronutrient digestion and nutritional quality: how to measure it and what matters?
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Amélie Deglaire) 08 Nov 2024
[hal-04721113] Alternatives végétales aux produits laitiers Leviers et enjeux pour l’innovation
Traditionnelles ou innovantes, les alternatives végétales aux produits laitiers accompagnent depuis les années 1980 les consommateurs occidentaux vers des régimes alimentaires plus sains et respectueux de l'environnement. Cet article a pour objectif d'aborder les leviers que sont les recettes, la technologie et la fermentation pour faire progresser cette offre. Les apports nutritionnels, l'empreinte environnementale et surtout l'acceptabilité des consommateurs sont les trois grands enjeux des alternatives végétales, ouvrant la voie à des régimes alimentaires équilibrés alliant différentes sources laitière et/ou végétales.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Gaëlle Arvisenet) 04 Oct 2024
[hal-04885399] Application de Lacticaseibacillus paracasei sur la peau du trayon: Quels impacts sur la santé animale et sur les procédés de transformation du lait?
La mammite bovine constitue une preoccupation majeure pour l'industrie laitiere. Les approches actuelles, incluant les traitements antibiotiques, sont partiellement efficaces et peuvent contribuer au risque de dissemination d’antibioresistance, ce qui justifie le developpement de traitements alternatifs. L’objectif de ce projet est de developper une strategie microbienne visant à renforcer l'effet barriere du microbiote naturellement present sur le trayon par l'application de Lacticaseibacillus paracasei CIRM BIA 1542 (Lp1542). Le traitement (Lp1542, iode ou aucun traitement) a ete applique apres la traite deux fois par jour pendant 15 jours sur les 4 trayons de 20 vaches Holstein en bonne sante, en milieu de lactation (n = 6 a 8 par traitement). Des echantillons de sang, de lait de premier jet et de lait citernal ainsi que des ecouvillonnages de la peau de trayon ont ete preleves a J1, J8, J15 et J26 avant la traite du matin et a J15 avant la traite du soir (J15S) afin d’evaluer l'impact de Lp1542 aux niveaux microbien, immunitaire et physiologique. Le traitement avec Lp1542 a entraine une augmentation de la population de bacteries lactiques et des populations microbiennes totales sur la peau du trayon et dans le lait avant la traite a J15S par rapport au traitement a l'iode. L'analyse metagenomique a revele des changements dans la composition du microbiote de la peau du trayon et du lait, au-dela de la presence de la souche de Lacticaseibacillus appliquee, avec notamment une plus grande abondance d'Actinobacteriota, y compris Bifidobacterium, et une plus faible abondance de Pseudomonadota sur la peau des trayons des vaches traitees avec Lp1542 par rapport aux quartiers traites a l'iode. En outre, le traitement avec Lp1542 n'a pas declenche de reaction inflammatoire majeure dans la glande mammaire et n'a pas eu d'effet negatif sur la fonctionnalite et l'integrite de l'epithelium mammaire. Des essais complementaires ont permis d'evaluer l’impact de Lp1542 sur les procedes de transformation du lait. Premierement, la thermosensibilite de Lp1542 a ete demontree pour des conditions representatives de traitement thermique du lait. Deuxiemement, il a ete demontre que Lp1542 n’interferait pas avec les proprietes d'acidification ou proteolytique d’un ferment commercial. En conclusion, l’ensemble de ces resultats semblent indiquer qu'un traitement topique avec Lp1542 dans un contexte sain ne semble pas impacter la sante animale, ni les procedes de transformation du lait. Ces resultats nous invitent donc a explorer davantage l’efficacite de Lp1542 dans la prevention de la mammite bovine.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Coralie Goetz) 14 Jan 2025
[anses-04859577] Avis de l’Anses relatif à l’élaboration de lignes directrices pour l’évaluation des risques environnementaux liés à la dissémination volontaire de médicaments à usage humain ou vétérinaire contenant des organismes génétiquement modifiés ou consistant en de tels organismes
Depuis le 1er janvier 2022, conformément à l’ordonnance n°2021-1325 du 13 octobre 2021 et au décret n° 2021-1905 du 30 décembre 2021, l’Anses reprend les missions du Haut Conseil des Biotechnologies (HCB) concernant l’évaluation des risques pour l’environnement et la santé publique de l’ensemble des utilisations de biotechnologies en milieu ouvert, qu’il s’agisse de plantes, d’animaux, de micro-organismes, ou de médicaments. Ces missions comprennent l’évaluation des risques environnementaux (ERA – Environmental risk assessment) liés à la dissémination volontaire de médicaments à usage humain ou vétérinaire contenant des OGM ou consistant en de tels organismes. Des documents guides et des documents de réflexion relatifs à l’ERA des médicaments OGM sont disponibles à l’échelle communautaire, permettant notamment aux pétitionnaires d’identifier les éléments nécessaires à la constitution de leur dossier et au respect de la méthodologie attendue notamment par l’Agence Européenne du médicament (EMA). En complément de ces documents, des formulaires simplifiés (common application forms) ont également été élaborés au niveau de l’Union européenne et approuvés au niveau national, notamment pour les demandes d’autorisation liées à certaines catégories de médicaments OGM à usage humain. Cependant, ce corpus de documents encadrant l’évaluation des risques liés à la dissémination volontaire d’OGM dans l’environnement restant assez général et non contraignant. Aussi, l’Anses a décidé de s’autosaisir (cf. décision en Annexe I) afin de mener une réflexion ayant pour objectif d’établir une grille d’évaluation la plus complète possible, et adaptée à chaque type de produit et aux possibilités techniques actuelles. Les lignes directrices de l’Anses associées à ces grilles d’évaluation ont vocation à être applicables aux différents types de dossiers de demande d’autorisation associée à la dissémination volontaire de médicaments à usage humain ou vétérinaire contenant des OGM ou consistant en de tels organismes, en portant une attention particulière aux méthodes d’analyse attendues en support à l’ERA. Le champ d’application de ces lignes directrices concerne les risques pour la santé (hors organisme bénéficiaire du médicament) et l’environnement associés à l’utilisation de médicaments à usage humain ou vétérinaire contenant des OGM ou consistant en de tels organismes. Les risques concernant la sécurité du patient ou des animaux traités par ce type de médicaments ne relèvent pas de l’ERA et ne sont ni abordés dans le présent avis, ni concernés par ces lignes directrices.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marie-Bérengère Troadec) 30 Dec 2024
[hal-04732496] Bacterial extracellular vesicles as new players in bacteria-host interactions
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Eric Guédon) 11 Oct 2024
[hal-04727225] Faire du fromage sans vache : la fermentation de précision, nouvel eldorado des industriels ?
C’est une révolution silencieuse à l’œuvre dans le secteur des produits laitiers. Son nom ? La fermentation de précision, une technologie qui permet de produire certaines protéines de lait en se passant des vaches. A la clé, des fromages ou yaourts avec une texture semblable aux classiques de nos frigos. Si leur vente n’est pas encore autorisée en Europe, les géants du secteur regardent avec gourmandise les opportunités que dessine une telle technologie.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Valerie Xandry) 09 Oct 2024
[hal-04732027] Extracellular vesicles derived from the probiotic Propionibacterium freudenreichii downregulate pro-inflammatory cytokines by Toll-like receptor 4 and NFkB pathway
Introduction and objectives Propionibacterium freudenreichii is a Gram-positive, pleiomorphic, microaerophilic and probiotic bacterium with anti-pathogenic activity, anticancer potential and immunomodulatory properties [1]. We previously reported that P. freudenreichii CIRM-BIA129 produced extracellular vesicles (EVs) as part of their health-promoting roles and modulated NFκB transcription factor activity and LPS-induced IL-8 release in vitro, which demonstrated the role of EVs as mediators of the probiotic effects of the bacterium [2]. EVs are nanosized membrane-encapsulated particles that play an essential role in communication between cells by their ability to transport bioactive molecules (proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, enzymes, toxins, metabolites) from a donor to a recipient cell. They act by transferring their content to target cells or by a specific interaction between ligands present on their surface and receptors expressed by target cells [3]. Our aim was to decipher the mechanism of interaction between EVs derived from P. freudenreichii CIRM-BIA129 (EV129) and intestinal epithelium cells (HT-29) stimulated by LPS. Particularly, the capability of EV129 to modulate the expression of key genes involved in the TLR4 dependent NFkB pathway and to be internalized was determined. Material and Methods EV129 were purified by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC). Their ability to interact with HT-29 cells and to be internalized were evaluated by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. The impact of various incubation times, EV doses and inhibitors of the cellular internalization were then evaluated. Effect of EV129 on the expression of HT-29 genes involved in the TLR4 dependent NFkB pathway was analyzed by RT-qPCR and the production of interleukin-8 (IL-8) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results, discussion and conclusion Our findings point out that EV129 are internalized by HT-29 cells through of dynamin-dependent endocytosis mechanism which is dependent of the GTPase dynamin such the activation of TLR4 [4]. Our study demonstrated that EV129 downregulated Tlr4 gene expression initiating a signal transduction intracellular which caused a cascade effect, leading to a reduction of NFkB and the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL8, IL1b and Tnf gene expression into HT-29 cells. This work contributes to demonstrate the promising future for the use of EV129 as a biotherapeutic tool in intestinal inflammatory disease.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Juliana Guimarães Laguna) 11 Oct 2024
[hal-04731806] Efficacité de la fermentation lactique pour dégrader l' acide phytique présent dans le jus de soja et dans des bouillies de céréales et de légumineuses.
L'acide phytique (AP), ou inositol-hexaphosphate, est un composé présent dans les graines de Légumineuses, fruits à coque, céréales et pseudo céréales, où il constitue la principale forme de stockage du phosphore. L’AP est considéré comme un composé anti-nutritionnel pour l’humain, en raison de sa capacité à se lier à certains minéraux (Ca2+, Fe2+, Mg2+, et Zn2+). Dans l'alimentation, l'AP peut limiter l'absorption de ces minéraux au niveau de l’intestin, provoquant des carences nutritionnelles. La fermentation lactique peut permettre de réduire la teneur en AP par la production de phytases bactériennes. Les phytases degradent l’AP en différents phosphates d’inositol et phosphate inorganique. Le but de ce travail est d’identifier des souches de BL phytase+.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sandrine Parayre) 11 Oct 2024
[hal-04731765] Assessing the GABA production ability of bacteria of food interest using rapid and simple colorimetric method
In recent years, consumer’s demand for healthy food products have increased considerably. As a result, much research is dedicated to the development of functional foods, i.e. food containing valuable bioactive compounds. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human brain and is involved in many physiological mechanisms such as anxiety management or blood pressure lowering. Supplementary GABA intake through food could thus be of interest for consumer’s health. Many microorganisms of food interest have been reported to produce GABA indicating that its content can be increased by microbial fermentation. Indeed, GABA production from L-glutamate is a bacterial mechanism to maintain pH homeostasis. The objective of the present work was thus to identify GABA-producing Lactic acid Bacteria and Propionic Bacteria of food interest, using a simple colorimetric method exploiting this mechanism
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marine Penland) 11 Oct 2024
[hal-04731735] Promoter activity of gadBC genes: a way to predict ability of Streptococcus thermophilus to produce GABA?
In recent years, society interest in health promoting food has considerably increased the demand for functional foods. Gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA), a non-protein amino acid, is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain with many physiological functions such as antihypertensive, and tranquilizer effects. Consequently, it has a strong potential as bioactive ingredient and its production by microbial fermentation has emerged as a way to increase GABA content in food. Some microorganisms are indeed able to biosynthesize GABA by decarboxylation of glutamate through the GAD acid resistance system, composed of a glutamate decarboxylase (encoded by gadB gene) and a GABA/glutamate antiport (encoded by gadC gene). Streptococcus thermophilus (ST) is a lactic acid bacterium with a long history of use in traditional and industrial manufacture of fermented dairy products. GABA production by some ST strains was reported, though at different levels [1,2]. Previous work on ST genomics revealed a high polymorphism of the gadB upstream sequence, suggesting a role of the gadB promoter in GABA production diversity between strains [3]. The objective of this work was to screen ST strains for GABA production and to investigate the role of the gadB promoter region in the ability of ST to produce GABA. First, 26 ST strains were screened for their GAD activity using fast colorimetric assay in resting cell conditions. Screening results revealed a strong strain-dependency: five strains were classified as strong GABA producers, four as moderate producers and 17 did not produce GABA or at low level. The screening results were confirmed by GABA quantification (HPLC). To better understand the diversity observed between strains, gadB promoter region gene was sequenced for all strains. Strains were clustered into four groups according to the polymorphism of the gadB promoter. Interestingly, strong GABA producer strains seemed to share the same promoter sequence, hinting that sequence variation could contribute to differential expression level of gadB. To further investigate this hypothesis, gadB promoter was characterized and its activity in strains from different clusters was monitored by transcriptional fusion. This work provides better insights of the GABA producing ability in ST and could contribute to better select high GABA producers.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marine Penland) 11 Oct 2024
[hal-04732428] Probiogenomic pipeline for new promising probiotic Streptococcus thermophilus strains
Introduction and objectives Probiotics are a good way to promote health benefits through diet. Low-cost and socially accepted foods with high probiotic content include dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, and fermented milk. Streptococcus thermophilus (STH) is a lactic acid bacterium with a long history of use in the traditional and industrial manufacture of fermented dairy products. Recently, STH has been the subject of research for discovering and assessing new probiotics. Probiogenomic analyses are helpful for identifying desired probiotics from a molecular perspective. Also, evaluating strains from various sources enriches the genetic knowledge of STH and the correlation of probiotic to food produtcs. Therefore, this research aims to apply a probiogenomics pipeline to STH genomes to identify new potential probiotic strains from diverse sources and sites. Materials and Methods Public available genomes of STH were downloaded from NCBI (106) and GenoScope (3). They were annotated using Prokka, and their annotation features were compared to reference strain CIRM-BIA65. For taxogenomic classification, an average nucleotide identity was calculated considering a 96% threshold, using pyANI, with MUMmer method. To uncover shared and unique genes in the genomes, the pangenome was calculated using four different tools: Roary, OrthoFinder, PPanGGOLiN and BPGA. The virulome and resistome were predicted using PanViTa, against VFDB and CARD databases. Finally, genomic plasticity was assessed using GIPSY2.0. Results, discussion and conclusions All downloaded genomes belonged to STH species. The high similarity between the genome sequences is due to the clonality of the species. The number of genes per genome varied from 1750 to 2363, with an average of 2030 genes, while CIRM-BIA65 presented 1961 genes. All pangenomic tools revealed that STH is within an almost closed pangenome, with diverse accessory and unique genomes contributing to different carbohydrate and amino acid metabolisms. The patterns of gene sharing were corroborated with the clades into which the strains fit. A high number of metabolic genomic islands was found for some genomes, but not for all. The small virulome and resistome of STH revealed genes related to immunomodulation and cell adhesion, which are also useful in the context of probiosis.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Juan Carlos Ariute) 11 Oct 2024
[hal-04777019] Influence of process parameters on nutritional profile and physical stability of innovative infant follow-on formulas based on animal and plant oil bodies
Infant follow-on formulas (IFF) are usually under the form of oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by protein interfaces with lipids of predominantly plant oils. These oils derived from extraction processes employing organic solvents posing environmental issues and are unstructured affecting the bioaccessibility of nutrients. The aim of this study was to introduce animal and plant oil bodies (OB) obtained from more sustainable procedure into IFF to improve their nutritional profile and assess their stability under different processing conditions. Three IFF (40% dry matter) were formulated: PO based on plant oils, PO/aOB based on plant oils and animal OB, and pOB/aOB based on plant and animal OB. Different operating conditions were tested: 2 passes at 80/20 bar and 140/40 bar for homogenization and 73°C, 1 min and 80°C, 1 min for heat treatment. After 7 days of storage at room temperature, no change in droplet size profile was observed with a mode between 1.2 and 1.4 µm or 0.7 and 1.3 µm for homogenizing pressures of 80/20 and 140/40 bar, respectively. aOB/pOB was characterized by particle aggregation and had a similar size profile to the other IFF in the SDS. A phase separation was observed for aOB/pOB, which was all the more important for less homogenization and heat treatment. It was reversible and probably due to the different nature of the proteins and phospholipids endogenous to the plant OB. A low level of protein denaturation (&lt; 15%) was measured in all IFF. Despite a low initial microbiological load, the best efficiency was attributed to the heat treatment of 1 minute at 80°C. There results demonstrated the feasibility of homogenization and heat treatment on innovative IFF. The influence of spray drying on the bioaccessibility of nutrients using in-vitro models will be necessary to evaluate the overall processability of these IFF.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Mathilde Cancalon) 12 Nov 2024
[hal-04739412] Interaction between a Lactococcus lactis autochthonous strater and a raw goat milk microbial community during long term backslopping
Traditional cheesemaking processes often involve backslopping practice. However, over successive inoculations, acidification deficiencies may arise. In such cases, adding a starter is recommended to restore the ecosystem stability. This study examines the impact of an autochthonous starter composed of three Lactococcus lactis strains on a raw goat milk microbial community during their evolution. Bacterial composition and technological features (acidification and aroma) were analyzed during communities’ evolution over 800 generations. 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding showed that Lactococcus lactis strains predominated. The raw goat milk community acidification capacities varied early in the evolution and then remained stable. Adding the L. lactis starter to this community stabilized the ecosystem from the beginning of the evolution. The acetoin production was associated with the starter presence, consistent with the establishment of the diacetylatis biovar strain, from the starter in the raw goat milk community throughout the evolution. Increased or decreased production of some volatile organic compounds when the starter was added revealed a specific aroma footprint due to interactions between the two communities. This study showed that adding a starter could help to achieve the maximum acidification rate from the early inoculation cycles and could significantly modify the aroma profile during long-term backslopping.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marie-Aurore Caillaud) 16 Oct 2024
[hal-04730179] Human Milk Microbiota composition and function
Although human milk (HM) has long been considered sterile, microorganisms have emerged as a natural part of this nutritional fluid even in healthy women. Based on the growing literature on HM microbiota, this presentation will provide an overview of this microbial community, its composition and influencing factors, and then focus on the role of this HM microbial component in infant gut homeostasis based on our recent findings. The HM microbiota is characterised by a low microbial load but a high diversity with several dozen genera and more than 200 species identified so far1. The fungal and viral milk communities have also begun to be studied. Several factors contribute to shaping the milk microbiota or affect its composition, including host and environmental factors, as well as methodological factors that are likely to introduce bias in milk microbiota analysis. The origin of the HM microbiota remains controversial. HM microbiota is likely to be a combination of microorganisms from the mother's skin and infant's oral cavity, as well as from the mother's gut via an as yet hypothetical entero-mammary pathway. Recent evidence on its role in infant physiology and health suggests that the HM microbiota contributes to infant gut homeostasis. The milk microbiota is not only a reservoir of beneficial bacteria for the infant gut microbiota, but more globally contributes to its shaping2. To better understand the role of the HM microbiota as a complex microbial community on intestinal homeostasis, including immune and barrier functions, we recently used a disassembly/reassembly strategy combined with in vitro and in vivo approaches3. A collection of HM bacteria was established from 28 healthy, exclusively breast-feeding mothers. HM strains covering the diversity of cultivable HM microbiota were first characterised individually and then assembled into synthetic bacterial communities (SynComs) of 11 strains using two human cell models, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and a quadricellular model mimicking intestinal epithelium. Selected HM bacteria displayed a wide range of immunomodulatory properties and had variable effects on the epithelial barrier, with no clear association with taxonomy. More importantly, the assembly of HM strains into two SynComs of similar taxonomic composition, but with strains exhibiting different individual properties, resulted in contrasting effects on the epithelium. The effects of these SynComs were further evaluated in vivo: three groups of 2-day-old Yucatan mini-piglets (n=10 per group) were either fed a formula without supplementation or supplemented at a physiological dose with a SynCom with an anti-inflammatory (AI) or high immunomodulatory (HI) profile and compared with a group of sow milk-fed piglets. Daily supplementation with these two SynComs differentially modulated gut microbiota composition beyond the presence of SynCom bacteria in the gut and altered gut physiology, in particular intestinal immune and barrier signatures. Changes in physiological variables were directly correlated with the presence of SynCom bacteria, particularly in the ileum, or indirectly through their effects on the microbiota, as in colon. In conclusion, HM microbiota, as a complex and variable microbial component, likely contribute to the development of intestinal homeostasis in infant. The functional profile of bacteria forming the human milk microbiota may induce a different developmental profile of infant gut physiology. Further exploration of the relationships between HM microbiota composition and infant intestinal homeostasis and health should help us to unravel the complex relationships between breastfeeding and infant health, opening new avenues for the development of strategies aimed at controlling infant gut homeostasis for health benefits. 1.Oikonomou, G. et al. Milk microbiota: what are we exactly talking about? Front. Microbiol. 11, (2020). 2.Boudry, G. et al. The Relationship Between Breast Milk Components and the Infant Gut Microbiota. Front. Nutr. 8, 629740 (2021). 3.Le Bras, C. et al. Two human milk-like synthetic bacterial communities displayed contrasted impacts on barrier and immune responses in an intestinal quadricellular model. ISME Commun. ycad019 (2024) doi:10.1093/ismeco/ycad019.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Charles Le Bras) 10 Oct 2024
[hal-04806169] Human Milk Fat Globule and its membrane
Human milk is recognized as the gold standard in neonatal nutrition. Human milk lipids present a very specific and complex structure at several levels of scale. At the molecular level, human milk lipids present a non random triacylglycerols regiodistribution with palmitic acid mainly located in sn-2 position, short to medium chain fatty acids located at sn-3 position, essential FA and long chain PUFA such as DHA to support the impressive infant cerebral and visual development during neonatal period. Human milk lipids also contains sterols, fat soluble vitamins and complex glycosylated lipids such as cerebrosides and gangliosides; at the macromolecular level, human milk lipids are organized under the form of “milk fat globules” (MFG) stabilized by a membrane rich in polar, complex, and bioactive lipids. These droplets have a mean diameter around 3–5 µm but present a large span in size distribution which covers the range of 0.1–15 µm. These droplets are based on an apolar core formed in the endoplasmic reticulum of the lactating cell, enveloped by an inner monolayer originating from this organite. An additional external bilayer surrounds this internal membrane as the droplets get pinched off the apical face of the lactating cell into the mammary lumen. The applications of biophysical tools (confocal laser scanning microscopy) enlightened the coexistence of phases in this tri-layered membrane. This phase heterogeneity results in more rigid domains that are resistant to digestion and enriched in sphingolipids and cholesterol, and in fluid phase very favourable for digestive lipases insertion. Recent findings have underlined the importance of the structure of human MFG on its digestibility and physiological fate: human MFG get aggregated but persist though gastric phase, present rapid gastric emptying and induce sharp postprandial lipemia peak. Conversely several elements of human MFG membrane (sphingolipids, glycosphingolipids, glycosylated proteins) resist upper digestion and contribute to gut maturation, immune and microbiota education. Through a non exhaustive narration we will thus take a journey through human MFG structure, see how this object favours fast energy transfer to neonate, evolves through lactation and digestion and presents a membrane resistant to digestion and possibly involved in programming.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Claire Bourlieu-Lacanal) 27 Nov 2024
[hal-04670323] Exploring the anti-inflammatory effects of postbiotic proteins from Lactobacillus delbrueckii CIDCA 133 on inflammatory bowel disease model
Lactobacillus delbrueckii CIDCA 133 is a promising health-promoting bacterium shown to alleviate intestinal inflammation. However, the specific bacterial components responsible for these effects remain largely unknown. Here, we demonstrated that consuming extractable proteins from the CIDCA 133 strain effectively relieved acute ulcerative colitis in mice. This postbiotic protein fraction reduced the disease activity index and prevented colonshortening in mice. Furthermore, histological analysis revealed colitis prevention with reduced inflammatory cell infiltration into the colon mucosa. Postbiotic consumption also induced an immunomodulatory profile in colitic mice, as evidenced by both mRNA transcript levels (Tlr2, Nfkb1, Nlpr3, Tnf, and Il6) and cytokines concentration (IL1β, TGFβ, and IL10). Additionally, it enhanced the levels of secretory IgA, upregulated the transcript levels of tight junction proteins (Hp and F11r), and improved paracellular intestinal permeability. More interestingly, the consumption of postbiotic proteins modulated the gut microbiota (Bacteroides, Arkkemansia, Dorea, and Oscillospira). Pearson correlation analysis indicated that IL10 and IL1β levels were positively associated with Bacteroides and Arkkemansia_Lactobacillus abundance. Our study reveals that CIDCA 133-derived proteins possess anti-inflammatory properties in colonic inflammation.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Andria dos Santos Freitas) 12 Aug 2024
[hal-04754259] Démarche de valorisation d’un co-produit. : Le lactosérum (Projet FAIRCHAIN).
<div>Contexte du cas français : le lactosérum<p>• Co-produit de la fabrication fromagère • Généralement utilisé pour produire des concentrés de protéines (eg. nutrition infantile) • Peu valorisé dans plus petites structures, géographiquement isolées (pb collecte et utilisation) ➔ alimentation animale, méthanisation, stations d'épuration</p></div>
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Odile Parizel) 25 Oct 2024
[hal-04770311] Release of free fatty acids in Chlorella biomass during post-harvesting steps
Within the European legislative framework, microalgae market for human consumption is dominated by products originating from “Spirulina” and “Chlorella” whole biomass. In this context, Chlorella is marketed for its health-promoting functional lipids, among other properties. Still, the quality of the lipids contained in Chlorella biomass can vary significantly (Barouh et al., 2024). Particularly, the level of free fatty acids (FFA) in the product can be detrimental to flavour and nutritional properties. Indeed, FFA can be naturally released from glycerolipids by lipases present in microalgae cells (Balduyck et al. 2017, 2016). To circumvent lipolysis, microalgae are mostly sold under dried form, but wet downstream processing has environmental and economical interests. Therefore, challenges need to be overcome in terms of understanding and determining the optimal conditions to control of fatty acid release.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Tiana Reynald) 06 Nov 2024
[hal-04770320] Lipid content in Chlorella biomass: variability related to biomass origin
Microalgae appear as a sustainable source of biomass with valuable nutritional qualities. Under the current regulations, very few biomasses of eukaryotic microalgae species are allowed for human food and most belong to the Chlorella genus. Chlorella biomass can contain lipids of interest such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) ω3 and ω6. Yet, the amount of PUFA as well as the ω6/ω3 ratio can vary significantly depending on the species considered as well as the trophic mode used for cultivation (photo-autotrophy, mixotrophy or heterotrophy). While the lipid content of in-lab produced Chlorella has been extensively studied, the variability of commercial biomass composition is barely described yet (Canelli et al., 2020). Here we characterized the lipid classes (TAG: triacyclglycerols; FFA: free fatty acids; MGDG: monogalactosyldiacylglycerols; DGDG: digalactosyldiacylglycerols; PE: phosphatidylethanolamines; PC: phosphatidylcholines; SQDG: sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerols ) and fatty acid profiles of dried commercial biomasses of different Chlorella spp. as well as those of in lab-produced Chlorella sorokiniana, grown in photo-autotrophic and mixotrophic conditions (Barouh, et al. 2024).
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Nathalie Barouh) 06 Nov 2024
[hal-04719239] Salt-dependent complex formation in lysozyme-alginate mixture
The associative interaction between oppositely charged macromolecules proceeds through either liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) forming complex coacervates or liquid-solid phase separation (LSPS) forming aggregates. In this work, we investigated the assembly of the basic protein lysozyme (LYS) with the negatively charged polysaccharide alginate (ALG) at pH 7 under varying conditions of mixing ratios, total concentrations, and ionic strengths.1 The droplet-based millifluidic device coupled with optical microscopy gave an extensive qualitative analysis of the phase behaviour of the system by probing different experimental conditions.2 Grey level analysis associated with the droplet millifluidic experiment allowed both the quantification and the qualitative definition of phase separation. We constructed a three-dimensional phase diagram, incorporating salt, LYS, and ALG concentrations as coordinates, offering a detailed depiction of monophasic regions, liquid-solid and liquid-liquid phase separation domains, and areas of coexistence of both solid and liquid phases. The thermodynamic characterization of the formation of different LYS/ALG assemblies was carried out using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) where distinct ITC profiles were associated with coacervation and aggregation. The interaction affinity (Ka) for aggregation was three orders of magnitude higher than for coacervation, without significant change in binding stoichiometry. Structural differentiation of various assemblies in the nanometer range was achieved through small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments. To gain deeper insights into the mechanisms underlying both LSPS and LLPS processes, further investigation of additional polyelectrolyte couples is needed, facilitating a more comprehensive understanding of these phase separation phenomena.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Asna Vakeri) 04 Oct 2024
[hal-04703408] The multi-objective data-driven approach: A route to drive performance optimization in the food industry
Although standardized, food processing is subject to many sources of variability resulting from compositional and structural variabilities of raw materials and/or ingredients, human perception and intervention in the process, capabilities of processing tools and their wear and tear, etc. Altogether, they affect the reproducibility of final product characteristics representing deviations to standard, the production yield impacting the economic performance of the food manufacturing process, and many other performance indicators. They are grossly classified as economic, quality and environmental indicators and their simultaneous consideration can be used to define the overall performance of a manufacturing process. Optimizing the overall performance of food processing requires the use of multi-objective optimization methods. Multi-objective optimization methods include five steps: defining the objectives, modelling performance indicators, formulating the problem and constraints, solving the multi-objective problem, and finally identifying an ideal solution. The integration of data-driven approach, particularly machine learning, into the multi-objective optimization offers new perspectives for optimizing and controlling food processes. The potential of this approach is still underestimated by the food industry sector.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Manon Perrignon) 20 Sep 2024
[hal-04701063] The cutting type of spontaneously fermented vegetables impacts their fermentation rate
Fermented vegetables are essentially produced by spontaneous fermentation of raw vegetables, which are roughly or thinly cut, salted and incubated in an oxygen-free environment. Despite the variety of types of cutting and its potential role in the rate of diffusion of solutes from vegetable tissue, and thus the fermentation rate, the effect of this factor has been scarcely studied. Our aim was to investigate how the cutting and small variation of salt concentration impact the microbial and biochemical changes during the spontaneous fermentation of vegetables.<p>A 2 3 experimental design was set up with vegetable type (carrot / cabbage), cutting type (thin / rough), and salt concentration (0.8% / 1%) as factors. Vegetables were pressed down in 500 mL-jars and filled up with brine, and two independent jars used at 4 stages to characterise the microbial dynamics and biochemical changes by combining culturomics, 16S rRNA V5-V7 and gyrB metataxonomics, and targeted metabolomics.</p><p>Culturomics and metataxonomics results showed a similar succession of the main bacterial groups in both vegetables, with Enterobacteriaceae quickly replacing the initial microbiota, This work is openly licensed via CC BY 4.0.</p><p>1 further replaced within a few days by lactic acid bacteria, mainly represented by Leuconostoc sp. Cabbage and carrot fermentation rates quantitatively differed. Maximal Enterobacteriaceae counts were higher in cabbage (8 vs 7 logCFU/g), while lactic acid bacteria counts were higher in carrot (9 vs 8 logCFU/g). The acidification rate was faster in carrot (e.g. pH decreased to 3.8 in 40 h vs approx. 5.0 in 86 h in cabbage). Mannitol, lactic and acetic acids were the main metabolites produced in both vegetables, but concentrations were two-fold higher in carrot. Viable Enterobacteriaceae were not detected anymore after two-week fermentation, except for some roughly-cut cabbage samples. No pathogenic bacteria were detected. Taxonomic profiles varied according to the marker used, e.g. Leuconostoc was only detected with gyrB and viceversa for Clostridium. The gyrB marker provided a markedly better resolution at the specieslevel (for 97% of ASV vs only 20% for the 16S marker). Significant effects of cutting type, and not of NaCl concentration, were observed. Thinly-cut vegetables globally showed a quicker fermentation compared to roughly-cut ones and exhibited a higher titratable acidity, e.g. 0.8% vs 0.3%, respectively, in grated and sliced carrot at 64 h incubation. In line, a quicker production of acids and a quicker decrease of viable enterobacteria were observed in thinly-cut vegetables, in particular for cabbage, for which the surface generated by the cutting was ~20-fold greater in shredded cabbage than in leaf cabbage. Some leaf cabbage samples displayed atypical fermentations, with the presence of particular taxa and atypical metabolite profiles with high amounts of ethanol produced. These general trends were modulated by quantitative and qualitative differences between replicate jars.</p><p>This study confirms the highly diverse microbiota of spontaneously fermented vegetables and the tight competition between Enterobacteriaceae and lactic acid bacteria in their colonisation, and documents for the first time the effect of the type of cutting on the fermentation rate.</p>
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Florence Valence) 18 Sep 2024
[hal-04700581] Amino acid requirements of the infant: the amino acid composition of human breast milk
The recommended amino acid requirements of the infant are based on the amino acid composition of mature human breast milk. The amino acid composition of breast milk is usually determined following either acid or alkaline (for tryptophan) hydrolysis. For accuracy, however, the known effect of hydrolysis time on amino acid composition should be accounted for. Also, ideally the amino acid composition of breast milk should be given in units of digested (assumed to be absorbed) amino acids. A review of the literature is presented which gives mean total amino acid concentrations in mature human milk (n = 26 studies), mean hydrolysis correction factors (n = 3 studies) and mean true ileal amino acid digestibility coefficients (n = 3 studies, suckling piglet). There were differences between the estimates of amino acid concentration corrected for hydrolysis time and digestibility, and current FAO (2013) recommendations that were not corrected for these factors. The values based on the published literature up until 2023 (mg/g true protein) corrected for hydrolysis time and digestibility gave higher values (more than 16% higher) for leucine, lysine and threonine, and considerably higher values (greater than 30%) for histidine and tryptophan. Current recommendations may need revision.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Paul J Moughan) 17 Sep 2024
[hal-04699103] Human milk vs. Infant formula digestive fate: In vitro dynamic digestion and in vivo mini-piglet models lead to similar conclusions
Infant formula (IF), the only nutritionally adequate substitute for human milk (HM), still needs to be improved to be more biomimetic with HM, including in terms of digestive fate. The latter can be explored using different digestion models. The present study aimed to compare IF and HM digestion using in vivo (mini-piglet) and in vitro (dynamic system, DIDGI®) models. Fresh mature HM was collected and compared with a standard bovine IF. In vivo, 18 Yucatan mini-piglets (24-day-old) received HM or IF and were euthanized 30 min after the last meal. The entire digestive content was collected from the stomach to the colon. In vitro, the same meals were fed to an in vitro dynamic digestion model simulating the term infant at four weeks of age. Digesta were sampled regularly in the gastric and intestinal compartments. Structure (confocal microscopy and laser light scattering) and proteolysis (SDS-PAGE for residual intact proteins, OPA for hydrolysis degree, LC-MS/MS for peptides) were investigated along digestion. The digesta microstructure differed between HM and IF in a similar way between in vitro and in vivo digestion. In vitro gastric proteolysis of caseins and α-lactalbumin was significantly slower for HM than for IF, such as for the early intestinal proteolysis degree. In vitro bioaccessibility of free AAs explained only 30 % of the true ileal digestibility of AAs. Peptide mapping of caseins differed between HM and IF along their digestion. The relative peptide mapping data over six proteins from HM and IF were highly correlated between in vitro and in vivo digestion, particularly at 80 and 120 min of in vitro gastric digestion vs. in vivo stomach data and at 20 and 40 min of in vitro intestinal digestion vs. in vivo proximal jejunum data (r = 0.7-0.9, p &lt; 0.0001, n = 1604). 40 to 50 % of the bioactive peptides identified in vivo were also found in vitro, with a good correlation of their abundances (r = 0.5, p &lt; 0.0001, n = 61). Overall, in vitro and in vivo digestion were in good agreement, both indicating a different digestive fate for HM and IF.
ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Elise Charton) 16 Sep 2024